[NEWS] YG Entertainment to Take Strong Actions Against Leaked Photos of 2NE1

3 07 2009

YG Entertainment said on the 3rd that they will take strong against the leakage of the several photos of 2NE1 members posing with no makeup on.

A YG representative said, “We are currently investigating into the source of the leakage. The photos leaked out are the stillcut when our staff are deciding on the style and cordi for the girls.”

“We are now investigating into how they were leaked out. This seems like some bad intentions with the recent release of the girls’ new song ‘I Don’t Care’. Our company will make a strong stand that we will be taking actions against whoever leaked them.”

The photos leaked out have shown the members with no makeup at all. Many fans have also voiced their unhappiness with such photos circulating online. Meanwhile the girls’ new song ‘I Don’t Care’ has already gone up to the #1 spot on various music charts.

Credits: Sookyeong



4 responses

3 07 2009

but guys… sorry for the one who leaked this pics in order for 2NE1 to go down… Well guys see the girls are pretty even without make and look tired because of practice… hmmmm… much younger look and fresh not a integrity damage

5 07 2009

People should really just leave them alone. Just because they’re not absolutely beautiful doesn’t mean they don’t make good music. And I still think the girls are attractive. They just look very tired and worn-out.

25 07 2009
Love Game

Sandara is still so prettty.

7 09 2009


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