[NEWS] SNSD as Black Bunny Girls, Adorable & Charming

19 08 2009

An adorable, doll-like display of SNSD has been revealed.

The current issue of ‘Elle Girl’ fashion magazine displayed a grandeur transformation of the nine members of SNSD dressed up in bunny girl, classic Barbie doll and funky party girl costumes.

Notably, this particular photo shoot included designs by renowned illustrators such as Kim Ahram, Cocomi, Lua and Cheon Eunhye, and has attracted much popularity for the ‘SNSD illustrated T-shirt’ design.

The September issue of ‘Elle Girl’ will include not only SNSD’s unique transformation, but also a behind-the-scene story of the photo shoot and a brief conversation about ‘Girlish.’

Source: mk.co.kr
Translations: Glucose@soshified



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