[TRANS] Changmin UFO Replies

8 11 2008




[FANCAMS] Changmin + Junsu at Everland Park (5 Nov)

7 11 2008

Watching Sealion show

At a bird show

Lining up for a ride

[TRANS] Changmin UFO Repiles (3 Nov)

6 11 2008

OH MIN! You full of snark, you!

[PICS] Changmin + Junsu at Everland Park 2 (5 Nov)

6 11 2008

With A to Z backup dancers ^^
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ROFL the onlookers are all like –>  :OO
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Credits: Soompi

[PICS] Changmin + Junsu at Everland (5 Nov)

6 11 2008

They were at the amusement park with their A to Z backup dancers ^^


Credits: Together TVXQ

[VIDEO] Changmin + Jaejoong on MBC Never Ending Story (5 Nov)

5 11 2008

[PICS] Yoochun + Changmin Endorsing Eloq

4 11 2008


Credits: DNBN

[PICS] Changmin at Tenth Congratulatory Concert (2 Nov)

4 11 2008

[TRANS] NEW Changmin UFO Replies (3 Nov)

4 11 2008

Fan: I need to sleep early so I won’t be tired at school tomorrow…Tell me to sleep.. T_T
Changmin: Go to sleep…

Fan: Did Changmin oppa eat yet?
Changmin: Yep~

Fan: Oppa, when I was on the bus I saw a guy who had the same hair as Junsu oppa, haha, Junsu oppa really is the one who fits that hairstyle the most…?? Haha~
Changmin: Haha, ^^ Is it really like that?? ^^

Fan: Do you want this <3, or this ☆?
Changmin: This…

Fan: I just came back from a late review, it’s so cold outside T__T
Changmin: The wind really is cold ^^

Fan: Oppa is really handsome!! If it’s like that, am I pretty?
Changmin: The direction of this question is kind of weird…?

Fan: Oppa, people who look like oppa in my class…none!
Changmin: Ah…;;;

Fan: Changmin oppa, how come you didn’t shake my hand yesterday at the Flower Lady event? T_T Is it because I didn’t buy you good food to eat? Haha~
Changmin: No;; I didn’t shake hands with anyone? I can’t give anyone special treatment…

Fan: Aha, really? You didn’t shake hands with anyone? I thought it was only me, thank you~
Changmin: You only didn’t do this with me…you only did this with me…throw away these kinds of thoughts~

Fan: I’ll marry Yoohun oppa in two years, wait for me… ><
Changmin: Does Yoochun hyung know about this..- _-

Fan: My stomach is really full, but my mouth is hungry…should I eat or not?
Changmin: Don’t eat, eating at night is bad for your body.

Fan: (sends over a picture of Changmin when he was little) How come you’re still exactly the same now…haha, so cute!
Changmin: Hahaha…

Fan: Oppa, I cooked lobster soup, do you want to marry me?
Changmin: This…people don’t judge marriage based on these kinds of things…

Fan: Changmin oppa, I got a UFO reply yesterday!!!
Changmin: Hahaha….

Fan: Ah, I really want a small dog…
Changmin: Discuss it with your parents…

Fan: Oppa! I miss you guys a lot, but I wasn’t picked…T__T I’m really sad and lonely T__T
Changmin: Fighting!




Credits: Yunho-shii forums


[CAPS] Changmin from BigEast DVD

3 11 2008

Read the rest of this entry »

[PICS] Changmin + Jap Model

3 11 2008

A preview of an upcoming issue of a Japanese magazine MISS which Changmin appeared with this model 桥本优子 (Yuko Hashimoto?). This model is 30+ years old ^^

Changmin will be appearing in the January 09 issue of this magazine which will be released sometime the end of November 😀


Credits: Imax + KPOP JJANG

[TRANS] New Changmin + Jaejoong UFO Replies

3 11 2008

[fan] Hi. I’m a chicken. Right now, I’m in front of your door; please open up ㅠㅠ I’m not wearing seasoning right now so I’m cold ;ㅂ;♥
[CM] Go to your house~~

[fan] Yeah! We can meet now right?!… I’m so happy… I want to see you soon…

[fan] You love me? Ok I’ll wait for you until you come back ㅋ
[CM] ????

[출처] [080927] 창민이한테 UFO답장 받은 날|작성자 희동이
[fan] [Hero JaeJoong] ha… Sorry I’m a fan that only likes stuff like this… It’s because I love you opang(oppa)^.~ I love you ♥
[CM] Cool!!^^ It has feeling^^ the photo^^

[fan] Since (you) 5 have always been one, please be with Cassiopeia till the end ^^ It’s a promise ♥
[JJ] Because the five of us are always one^^

[fan] ChangMin-obha (oppa) do you like 800,000 bowls of rice more, or the 800,000 members of Cass more?
[JJ] That.. seems like ChangMin will think about that a bit.. but.. I choose Cass~ ㅎㅎ

[fan] Are you eating well?? Are you taking good care of yourself?? Are you sleeping well?? I’m worried/distressed because I can’t do anything (for you) ㅠ
[JJ] Just listening to our music and cheering for us… I’m most thankful for that. I’m happy with that

[fan] Mon.Tue.Wed.Thur.Fri.Sat.Sun I always only think about you?
[JJ] I miss you.. I want to see you ^^

[fan] If you get this right you’re a genius! If Xiah JunSu starts a war what would you ca~ll it? ♥
[JJ] Sha-War.

(the joke = shower) LOL. The fans were surprised that he got the last one. XD


Credits: annneonet@LJ

[TRANS] Changmin UFO Replies (27-29 Oct and 31 Oct)

2 11 2008



[VIDEO] Yunho + Changmin Music Core MC Cuts (Eng Subbed)

2 11 2008

[PICS] Changmin at YTN Live Power Music (1 Nov)

2 11 2008







Credits: DNBN

[PICS] Changmin in MBC Quiz to Change the World (30 Oct)

2 11 2008

Yunho will also be appearing in this show ^^


Credits: DNBN

[PICS] Changmin on Music Core (1 Nov)

2 11 2008


[CAPS] Changmin + Yunho MCing on Music Core (1 Nov)

1 11 2008







Credits: DNBN

[PICS] Yunho + Changmin Recording MBC’s Sunday Sunday Night (30 Oct)

31 10 2008

Anyone knows the date of the broadcast?




Credits: DNBN

[NEWS] Choi Kang Chang Min, Enthroned as TVXQ’s Casanova

29 10 2008

Dong Bang Shin Gi’s Choi Kang Chang Min was singled out as the Casanova of the group.

On MBC’s ‘Yoo Jae Suk & Kim Won Hee’s Come To Play’ (Shortened form: ‘Come To Play’) broadcast on October 27th, Choi Kang Chang Min ranked first place when Young Woong Jae Joong surveyed it’s members when asked “Which person is most like casanova among Dong Bang Shin Gi?”

Choi Kang Chang Min drew attention because of the overwhelming lead even before the ranking was announced. Suddenly exposing his fellow member, Young Woong Jae Joong stated, “Choi Kang Chang Min sometimes in the car passes by 100’s of women and looks at all 100 of those women.” And “He won’t express anything but he’ll unconsciously remember which woman was wearing pretty clothes when we passed by” added member, U-Know Yunho.

Sitting in the rear of Choi Kang Chang Min was Micky Yoochun. “When Micky Yoochun finds a woman after his heart, his pupils dilate” stated Young Woong Jae Joong causing an uproar among the group. “If he really favors a woman then there’s a very intense glitter in his eyes,” confessed Young Woong Jae Joong.



Credits: Seoulfull