[TRANS] Changmin UFO Replies (27 Oct)

29 10 2008

Fan: I love you ♥ … You thought I’d say that right?ㅋㅋ
CM: I don’t have much thought…

Fan: ChangMin-oppa!!! Yesterday you told me to study hard so today I studied really hard!! Did I do well!?!?!!?!
CM: Yeah you did well~

Fan: I’m going to dance to 주문 at a festival!!!! Just tell me to do well~~~
CM: Do well^^

Fan: Ack!!!! Why are you avoiding only me!!! Reply for me too ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
CM: I didn’t have any thoughts of avoiding you…

Fan: Ah it’s cold…I want to eat 호떡… Please buy me one*^^
CM: Ask your parents politely~

Fan: When you came to 대전 it was exam timeㅜㅜ Come again ㅋㅋ
CM: How would I live if I do everything because I want to~

Fan: I did a university presentation and it was a big success ♥
CM: Wow!! Congratulations^^

Fan: ChangMin-oppa you’re a 이러기?…. I’m a 기러기ㅋㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (…is that a pun? 기러기= wild goose, 이러기= ‘be like this’ unless there’s another meaning for 이러기 I’m not aware of… but o-O)
CM: 참… You’re going around expressing bad habits/manners aren’t you!!



Credits: annneonet@LJ

[TRANS] New UFO Reply from Changmin (28 Oct)

28 10 2008

Fan: The weather is turning cold so drop the sexy concert and wear warm clothes… and have a good meal!

Changmin: Thanks a lot ^^

Fan: This is my man

Changmin: Oh I see… that is Jaejoong… I see… it’s fine ^^

(My guess is that she’s ataching a JJ pic)

Credits: Elune@Soompi

[TRANS] New UFO Reply from Changmin (27 Oct)

28 10 2008

Fan: I love you, I love you, The most dazzling in this world is you A dream like my heart…i love you ♥
Changmin: ^^

[TRANS] Fan Signing Fan Accounts (Yunho & Changmin)

27 10 2008

Fan Account 1




Fan Account 2

[TRANS] New UFO Replies from Junsu & Changmin (21-23 Oct)

27 10 2008

I didn’t resize the pic so you all can read >.<

[VIDEO] Changmin’s Request to Junsu on BigEast Station 82 (Eng Subbed)

25 10 2008

[PICS] Yunho+Changmin at Media Synnara Incheon Fansigning (20 Oct)

21 10 2008



Credits: DNBN + Soompi

[PICS] Yunho+Changmin at Media Synnara Daejon Fansigning (20 Oct)

20 10 2008






Credits: DNBN

[TRANS] New Changmin UFO Reply (16 Oct)

19 10 2008

[TRANS] Changmin’s NEW Iple Entry (18 Oct)

19 10 2008

The deepening autumn day’s twilight… this is ChoiKang ChangMin.

How are you? This is ChangMin.
On one hand, I’m feeling happy because I can enjoy the fall… while drinking the twilight air.
Is everyone having a good time while fully enjoying the fall?? ^^
Personally I really like the fall and winter, but lately it’s been really nice because the fall has filled my heart/mind ^^

Entering the genuine autumn… walking on the roads piled with fallen leaves is also…
Climbing mountains stained in bright colors,
Looking around for restaurants filled with delicious foods,
Blowing on and deliciously eating the roasted chestnuts, sweet potatoes, and 붕어빵* sold in the streets,
and reading many different kinds of books…
these are all special privileges that can be enjoyed specially only during the fall right???
Truthfully, there’s a lot of things that I want to do but…
Just suddenly like this here…
I wanted to say “It’d be nice if everyone could really enjoy these kinds of things”~ ^^
What, it’s just feeling that since there’s a lot of things I want to do, but can’t, please do it for me in my stead… ^^
We are spending our time earnestly doing the 4th album activities ^^
I’m really happy because everyone cheered for us and gave love the moment it was released…
(1) Really… For us, who prepared diligently, it’s an overly happy feeling
because everyone listened to the CD a lot, and listened online here and there for us too ^^
Because it’s been a while since we did activities in Korea…
Truthfully, although our bodies are tired, we’re spending our time soaked in happiness~ (2)
We’re earnestly doing activities with [주문-MIROTIC] but… well… like that…
It’s rather sad to say this myself but!!! But still!!! I’ll say it~~ It’s ours ^^
It’s the album that we prepared with all our might!! Inside the album you know!!
There’s really a lot~ of songs that are as good as 주문~ ㅎㅎㅎ
If you would love all the songs in our album… is my somewhat selfish wish… ^^
I kept rambling without stop but!! ^^
Since we’re continually practicing and trying to show everyone a cool image with our 4th album activities this year, please continue to cheer for and encourage DBSK ^^
Lastly, with the harsh weather altitudes it’s easy to get sick so be careful to not catch the cold, and
this fall!! Let’s work hard so we can spend a full autumn without regrets
from, first, everyone’s. and then our individual position!!
Of course!!!!!!!!! If it’s a fall with our album it’s even better ^^ Hahahahahahahahahaha
I’m counting on (3) you anywhere at anytime for cheers and ^^ please be careful so you don’t catch a cold ^^

From ChangMin, fully embracing fall in the heart/mind…

(1) – Just pointing out that he uses 참 a lot. >.> He mostly uses it in the really/truly/oh/well way here.
(2) – This is an example a butchered sentence. I simplified it because I could not find a way to word it in english w/ everything in-tact. So if someone knows how to word it better please tell me
(3) – Counting on but also kinda requesting



* Korean red bean pastry
“These doughy pastries filled with sweet red bean paste are normally sold in Korea by street vendors. To make the fish shape at home, you need a special appliance similar to a waffle-maker. I don’t have that, but I am able to buy them steaming hot at Korean stores and freeze them at home, or if need be, buy the pre-frozen boxed bungeoppang at the Korean grocery store. Once frozen, they take mere minutes to steam on the stove or microwave. A healthy and delicious snack or dessert, their chewy, sweet, and slightly crispy texture make them a big crowd pleaser and always a hit with the under-10 crowd. There are also custard cream and ice cream versions; the red bean paste is the traditional filling.”


Credits: annneonet@LJ + minsarang@wp

[INFO] Yunho + Changmin’s New UFO Replies (15 Oct)

16 10 2008

Translations, please? Anyone? 😀






[INFO] Changmin is the Most Boring Person During Karaoke, Never Play “Yahja” with Him

15 10 2008

Taken from Tablo’s iMBC Dream radio show.
4.30 onwards

Translation of the mentioned part,

“Tablo and TVXQ are talking about who’s the most boring when it comes to karaoke. They say Changmin (they mention that once he lets loose, he’s crazy, but he rarely lets loose) and Tablo talks about the day Epik High and TVXQ went karaoke together and Changmin called their manager early and said he had to sleep. (LOL! XD)Tablo says he never knew there was an actual adult who sleeps at a regular time, it was 9:00. Jaejoong says that Changmin is right after SeoTaiji on the list of ‘Celebrities that are hard to run into’ (meaning they don’t go out.)Then they go on about how Changmin is very reserved, but once he starts everyone gets surprised (to the point where he looks crazy).

The ‘yeoja’ u heard is actually ‘yahja’ game. The game where the ages are reversed so the youngest becomes the oldest (and can speak informally) and the oldest becomes the youngest (and is forced to speak formally). They say that ‘yahja’ is the one game you should NEVER play with Changmin. Then Tablo says he wants to try it, but the other members claim that it won’t be the same since it’s being broadcasted. (I guess Changmin’s really bad when he can speak however he wants… hehe… snarky Changmin…)He keeps saying he’s not going to do it then all of a sudden they start the game so he yells at Tablo not to do so. (something he could never do within the normal dynamics of Corean culture.) He even calls him Blo! ahahaha. He just keeps saying to stop, that he doesn’t want to do it, why are they doing this to him; all in a tone he would never usually use to Tablo. Once it’s over the members say that what they witnessed is nothing compared to it in reality. That there are movements involved as well. Tablo says that he’s only seen the “packaged” version of Changmin since he rarely sees Changmin. He says that he saw Changmin in a mysterious way. How he thought that Changmin might not even be human. How when he plays around with the other four members, Changmin’s in a dark area with his hood and headphones on looking at the ground. But he says he’s seen Changmin in another light.”


Credits: supadivaxxx@LJ + minsarang@wp

[FANCAM] Changmin After Fan Signing: Fan Paste PostIt Note!

13 10 2008

A fan pasted a post-it note on Changmin’s back! HAHAHA ^^

[TRANS] Changmin’s 4th Album Thank You Messages

12 10 2008
Click to view original size!

[PICS] Changmin on Mnet M! Countdown + Winning Multizen (9/10)

10 10 2008
















Credits: DNBN

Changmin’s first love was when?!

9 10 2008

Dong Bang Shin Ki member, Choikang Changmin has revealed that his first love was actually after his debut, arousing the curiosity of his fans.

Dong Bang Shin Ki appeared on KBS 2FM Hong Jun Kyung’s GayoGwajang (not too sure how to translate that ><). During their appearance, DJ Hong Jun Kyung asked Changmin “When was your first love?” (as in when did you first fall in love?) to which Changmin replied, “After debut.”, causing fans and listeners to become shocked.

After Changmin’s reply, Hong Jung Kyung continued to question Changmin by asking “Were they a star?” (star as in famous person) to which Changmin replied “No.”, revealing to us that his first love was not with a fellow star. After this reply, the DJ continued to drill Changmin with questions about his first love, but he wittily avoided them, making his fans even more curious.

Dong Bang Shin Ki have made their comeback after 1 year and 7 months with their album, ‘주문-Mirotic’ – which has sold over 100 000 copies, and is coming #1 on various online charts, proving to us their popularity and status as the #1 idol group in Korea.

Dong Bang Shin Ki also came #1 on MBC Radio – Jung Oh Wi’s Hopeful Music Top 20 Chart on the 5th of October, to the interest of many people, both fans and listeners alike.

Credits: Celestial_Crystal@TVXQ Australia Forums

Did You Date Changmin?

8 10 2008

DBSK’s baby, Changmin confessed that he dated his first love after his debut during the KBS radio show “Hong Jin Kyung’s K-pop Plaza.”  The clever Shin Ki skirted all relevant questions that might reveal her identiy and just shared that she wasn’t a celebrity.

So, the question of the day – did you date Changmin when he was still a K-pop newbie?  If so, come forth and share all the fun details of your love story.


Credits: Seoulbeats

Changmin GIFs at SDY’s Champagne Show

6 10 2008




Credits: Our Changmin + DNBN

Mirotic DVD: Yunho Interviews Changmin + Changmin Interviews Junsu [Eng Subbed]

30 09 2008

Yunho Interviews Changmin

Changmin Interviews Junsu

Jaejoong + Changmin 4th Album Thank You Messages

29 09 2008


First We, TVXQ want to say thanks for those who already got this 4th album on their hands.
For those dearest SM family, all staff and those who do so much for us, TVXQ, i deeply thank you all. All 5 of us would like to thank our parents and Lee Soo Man teacher who has been with us all the time, because all these time we dont show much our deep love to you all and i just hope that our hardwork proves you our love…we are not satisfied yet for our work and do better…and at last to be as one. 85, cross, k55, Princess BF, dont forget true love! Easily disappeared Hyun Jong, kind-hearted Jerk…..untrackable Dong JunHyung,
…mr.looking-for-memory lil-giant…thankyou..thankyou…
^^And also my partners who understand each other just by looking to the face like a bunch of stupid guys ~ Our Yunho, Yoocheon, Junsu, ChangMin..You guys always here…thankyou^^
Words that always spoken each time we met, too embarrassing, i’m not going to tell you here…!! No.. i said..i know..i know..I love you guys! Okay!..People that make me feel good each time i see you guys..I love You!..the Last~ Cassiopeia…
after one year and seven month’s waiting ..Thankyou^^…
No Matter How – I love you guys…I love you guys..



Hello. This is Choikang Changmin. ^ ^

 Today, finally, the broadcast of our  new album, Dong Bang Shin Ki. ^ ^

 In fact, they (t/n: all of them, i assume)  got a cold, I was really worried about that

But too many of the game ==> [t/n: we were still game!]

Oh, thank God, but … I think is relatively safe and is about to break. ^ ^

 1 year and 7 months after we left,

In fact, for the first time, I am feeling really worried…

For a long time and so much to thrill and tension …

It was funny that I had a great time. ^ ^

I feel a little bit like I said write, and I think makbang … Ha ha ha ^ ^

It’s really a long time from now on we go again and our house left empty

I’ll show you a good thing you love a lot of album TVFXQ 4. ^ ^

 A lot of hard work and preparation for our new album

Malyigin, such as greed, but more and more!

Wherever you go! For anytime, anywhere, we need a lot of 4. ^ ^

 I’ve prepared so hard? ^ ^

I’ll do a lot of hard work, and give a tremendous cheer, please. ^ ^

Now autumn morning air, and truly weather injira bamgonggiga chagapneyo ^ ^ ==> t/n ehehehe, gomen~

Watch your cold, we work together, let’s fly up ^ _ ^


Credits: DBSG@LJ