[TRANS] Changmin’s NEW Iple Entry (18 Oct)

19 10 2008

The deepening autumn day’s twilight… this is ChoiKang ChangMin.

How are you? This is ChangMin.
On one hand, I’m feeling happy because I can enjoy the fall… while drinking the twilight air.
Is everyone having a good time while fully enjoying the fall?? ^^
Personally I really like the fall and winter, but lately it’s been really nice because the fall has filled my heart/mind ^^

Entering the genuine autumn… walking on the roads piled with fallen leaves is also…
Climbing mountains stained in bright colors,
Looking around for restaurants filled with delicious foods,
Blowing on and deliciously eating the roasted chestnuts, sweet potatoes, and 붕어빵* sold in the streets,
and reading many different kinds of books…
these are all special privileges that can be enjoyed specially only during the fall right???
Truthfully, there’s a lot of things that I want to do but…
Just suddenly like this here…
I wanted to say “It’d be nice if everyone could really enjoy these kinds of things”~ ^^
What, it’s just feeling that since there’s a lot of things I want to do, but can’t, please do it for me in my stead… ^^
We are spending our time earnestly doing the 4th album activities ^^
I’m really happy because everyone cheered for us and gave love the moment it was released…
(1) Really… For us, who prepared diligently, it’s an overly happy feeling
because everyone listened to the CD a lot, and listened online here and there for us too ^^
Because it’s been a while since we did activities in Korea…
Truthfully, although our bodies are tired, we’re spending our time soaked in happiness~ (2)
We’re earnestly doing activities with [주문-MIROTIC] but… well… like that…
It’s rather sad to say this myself but!!! But still!!! I’ll say it~~ It’s ours ^^
It’s the album that we prepared with all our might!! Inside the album you know!!
There’s really a lot~ of songs that are as good as 주문~ ㅎㅎㅎ
If you would love all the songs in our album… is my somewhat selfish wish… ^^
I kept rambling without stop but!! ^^
Since we’re continually practicing and trying to show everyone a cool image with our 4th album activities this year, please continue to cheer for and encourage DBSK ^^
Lastly, with the harsh weather altitudes it’s easy to get sick so be careful to not catch the cold, and
this fall!! Let’s work hard so we can spend a full autumn without regrets
from, first, everyone’s. and then our individual position!!
Of course!!!!!!!!! If it’s a fall with our album it’s even better ^^ Hahahahahahahahahaha
I’m counting on (3) you anywhere at anytime for cheers and ^^ please be careful so you don’t catch a cold ^^

From ChangMin, fully embracing fall in the heart/mind…

(1) – Just pointing out that he uses 참 a lot. >.> He mostly uses it in the really/truly/oh/well way here.
(2) – This is an example a butchered sentence. I simplified it because I could not find a way to word it in english w/ everything in-tact. So if someone knows how to word it better please tell me
(3) – Counting on but also kinda requesting



* Korean red bean pastry
“These doughy pastries filled with sweet red bean paste are normally sold in Korea by street vendors. To make the fish shape at home, you need a special appliance similar to a waffle-maker. I don’t have that, but I am able to buy them steaming hot at Korean stores and freeze them at home, or if need be, buy the pre-frozen boxed bungeoppang at the Korean grocery store. Once frozen, they take mere minutes to steam on the stove or microwave. A healthy and delicious snack or dessert, their chewy, sweet, and slightly crispy texture make them a big crowd pleaser and always a hit with the under-10 crowd. There are also custard cream and ice cream versions; the red bean paste is the traditional filling.”


Credits: annneonet@LJ + minsarang@wp



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