[INFO] Changmin is the Most Boring Person During Karaoke, Never Play “Yahja” with Him

15 10 2008

Taken from Tablo’s iMBC Dream radio show.
4.30 onwards

Translation of the mentioned part,

“Tablo and TVXQ are talking about who’s the most boring when it comes to karaoke. They say Changmin (they mention that once he lets loose, he’s crazy, but he rarely lets loose) and Tablo talks about the day Epik High and TVXQ went karaoke together and Changmin called their manager early and said he had to sleep. (LOL! XD)Tablo says he never knew there was an actual adult who sleeps at a regular time, it was 9:00. Jaejoong says that Changmin is right after SeoTaiji on the list of ‘Celebrities that are hard to run into’ (meaning they don’t go out.)Then they go on about how Changmin is very reserved, but once he starts everyone gets surprised (to the point where he looks crazy).

The ‘yeoja’ u heard is actually ‘yahja’ game. The game where the ages are reversed so the youngest becomes the oldest (and can speak informally) and the oldest becomes the youngest (and is forced to speak formally). They say that ‘yahja’ is the one game you should NEVER play with Changmin. Then Tablo says he wants to try it, but the other members claim that it won’t be the same since it’s being broadcasted. (I guess Changmin’s really bad when he can speak however he wants… hehe… snarky Changmin…)He keeps saying he’s not going to do it then all of a sudden they start the game so he yells at Tablo not to do so. (something he could never do within the normal dynamics of Corean culture.) He even calls him Blo! ahahaha. He just keeps saying to stop, that he doesn’t want to do it, why are they doing this to him; all in a tone he would never usually use to Tablo. Once it’s over the members say that what they witnessed is nothing compared to it in reality. That there are movements involved as well. Tablo says that he’s only seen the “packaged” version of Changmin since he rarely sees Changmin. He says that he saw Changmin in a mysterious way. How he thought that Changmin might not even be human. How when he plays around with the other four members, Changmin’s in a dark area with his hood and headphones on looking at the ground. But he says he’s seen Changmin in another light.”


Credits: supadivaxxx@LJ + minsarang@wp



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