[NEWS] KARA’s Nicole Gets a Gift from Kang GyunSung

19 04 2009

Singer Kang GyunSung gave Kara‘s Nicole a DSLR Camera as a thank you gift.

Before he entered the military, Kang GyunSung recorded ‘Happy and’ with Nicole. He said, “I am really thankful for Nicole. I really contemplated about what to give her. I remembered Nicole telling me that she really likes taking photos but her camera was broken, so I gave her a camera as a gift. I really wanted to do something for her hard work for my music as well as the music video.”

Kang GyunSung’s agency, Woolim Entertainment, said, “Nicole was really happy after receiving the gift. The other members were jealous of her.”

Currently, ‘Happy and’ is in the top 20 on various online music charts and it took only five days for the song to gain a huge popularity. The fans said, “We only thought that Nicole raps, but her voice is really pretty. Nicole’s and Kang GyunSung’s voices are a very good combination.”

On the other hand, Kang GyunSung was enlisted into the army on the 9th of April. 



Source: Newsen
Translations: hopelesshong@Karaholic



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