[NEWS] SM Being Friendly, Tohoshinki Unbanned from Music Station

27 02 2009


After SMAPxSMAP show was announced, we all know that Johnny’s Entertainment, the biggest artists management in Japan who owns mostly all Japanese pretty boys groups such as SMAP, Kat-tun, NewS, and Arashi, is finally taking down his war flag.

I should remind you about the biggest evidence of how JE seems to harden each and every steps of Tohoshinki in their Japan career:

No matter how many times Tohoshinki topped ORICON chart in both daily and weekly, one of the most prestigious music show in Japan – MUSIC STATION never even once, invites the boys in.

An old article from Allkpop regarding this issue:

According to S-San’s Blog (a Japanese staff member for Tohoshinki) the rumor that Tohoshinki has been blocked from Music Station was confirmed. On his blog he wondered why Tohoshinki was on Music Station’s #1 list this week, yet weren’t invited to perform.

Music Station is a highly popular music show in Japan, similar to MTV’s TRL here in the States.

Rumors and conspiracy theories were created when Tohoshinki received many #1’s on both the Oricon Daily and Weekly charts, yet weren’t invited to the Music Station show. Almost every other artist who were in the top 10 let alone the artists who’ve reached #1 were invited to perform. Many people believe the reason for this is because Johnny’s Entertainment has a secret pact with Music Station.

Some people think that Tohoshinki poses a threat to Johnny’s therefore Tohoshinki is not allowed to perform on Music Station

However, things seem to get better now!
As a new schedule from the boys finally releases and it says:

“Friday, March 6th
20:00 Asahi TV “MUSIC STATION“
They will perform! Please wait for it!”

Source: DNBN
News Written by: Sharing Yoochun



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