[NEWS] Big Bang’s 2009 “Big Show” Concert

3 02 2009

Big Bang performed in front of 13,000 fans for three days (January 30, 31, and February 1) at the Olympic Park Gymnastics Stadium in Seoul for their 2009 “Big Show” concert.

They performed their hit songs “Day By Day” (하루하루), “Sunset Glow” (붉은노을), and “Last Farewell” (마지막 인사) for a total of 23 songs. These included Tae Yang’s “Look Only At Me” (나만 바라봐), which he released as a solo artist, and Dae Sung’s first performance of his trot song “It’s A Big Hit” (대박이야), released on January 29 as a digital single.

YG Entertainment reported that 30 fans fainted and were treated immediately, and said that some even came back to the concert with high spirits.

The concert also included a “Beethoven Virus” (MBC drama) parody.




Source: Newsen
Credits: Seoulfull



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